Wednesday, January 16, 2008


House No.27,Road No.55,Gulshan-2,Dhaka-1212
Prof.S R Khan
Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgeon

Suhel A.Choudhury
Senior Vice President BHRA
Prof.Dr.Asit Baran Adhikary
Chief Cardiac Surgeon
Al Helal Heart Hospital Dhaka Bangladesh



What is Heart disease?

One out of every two men will die from some form of heart disease, which is a general term that encompasses many heart conditions that can lead to heart attack or other problems. These conditions may include coronary heart disease, abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmias), Heart failure, heart valve disease, heart muscle disease and pericardial disease. Although heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the Bangladesh. more females than males have died yearly from the disease since 1984.Heart disease, Stroke, and other cardiovascular diseases claim the lives of nearly half a million women every year that’s almost one death a minute and nearly twice the number of lives claimed by all forms of cancer combined, including breast cancer.

Prevention-Risk Factors You can Control

Heart disease prevention begins with knowing your risk factors and how to reduce them. The more risk factors you have, the greater your chance of contracting heart disease.
Smoking: Cigarette smokers are two to four times more likely to develop heart disease than nonsmokers. There is simply no safe way to smoke. The only safe and healthful course is not to smoke .the only safe and healthful course is not to smoke at all.
Exposure to Secondhand smoke: Research now indicates that breathing other peoples smoke is also deadly. There is no safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke.Infact; tens of thousands of nonsmokers die every year from coronary heart disease because they are exposed to other peoples smoke.

High Cholesterol: As blood cholesterol levels rise. The risk of heart disease increases.Cholestrol levels are affected by diet, heredity and age.Today, about a quarter of all Bangladeshi men have blood cholesterol levels high enough to pose a serious risk for heart disease.

Too much cholesterol causes plaque that can clog arteries in the heart, brain or other parts of the body, causing ruptures or clots. If a clot blocks an artery to the heart, it causes a heart attack. If it blocks an artery to the brain, it causes a stroke.

High Blood Pressure: High blood pressure increases the workload of the heart, causing it to weenie time. It also increases the risk of stroke, heart attack, kidney failure.Unfortunately, it has no obvious symptoms.

Physical Inactivity: As little as 30 minutes of moderate activity on most and preferably all, days of the week helps protect heart health.

Diabetes: The risk of health from heart disease is about two to four times higher in women with diabetes. Even when glucose levels are under control, diabetes seriously increases the risk of heart disease and stroke.
A blockage in the heart‘s arteries may reduce or completely cutoff the blood supply to a portion of the Heart. This can cause a blood clot to form and Totally Stop Blood-flow in a Coronary artery, resulting in a “Heart Attack”/”MI”also called an acute Myocardial Infarction).

Irreversible injury to the heart muscle usually occurs if Medical Help is not received promptly. Unfortunately, it is common for people to dismiss Heart Attack symptoms.

The American Heart Association and other medical experts say the body likely will send ones or more of These Warning Signals of a Heart Attack:
v Uncomfortable pressure, fullness, squeezing or pain in the center of the chest lasting more than a few minutes.
v Pain spreading to the shoulders, neck or arms. This may be mild to intense .It may feel like pressure, tightness, burning or heavy weight. It may be located in the chest upper abdomen, neck jaw or inside the arm or shoulders.
v Chest discomfort with light headedness, fainting, sweating, nausea or shortness of breath.
v Anxiety, nervousness and or cold, sweaty skin.
v Paleness or pallor.
v Increased or irregular heart rate.
v Feeling of impending doom.

Not All Of These Signs Occur In Every Attack.
Sometimes They Go Away And Return.

Ø If some of the above signs/symptoms occur, it is Very Important to get MEDICAL HELP FAST.
Ø If you notice one or more of these signs yourself or others. Don’t wait, CALL EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES (Hospital/Clinic) IMMEDIATELY.
Ø You need to see a specialist Without “Delay”

It would of course take a while to reach a Hospital or a Clinic. In Dhaka and in other cities, it might take a longer time to get medical help because of traffic congestions. It is as such important that the driver of the ambulance and the attendant (Paramedic) is adequately trained so that he or she is able to give immediate help and assistance that might be required at that time.

IN SUCH A SITUATION “P HC” (Pre-Hospitalization heart care) becomes important both for the Heart Patient, Ambulance Staff and the Members of his family. That explains why the members of the family and /or Volunteers (care givers) should also be covered by a “TAP” (training and awareness program) .This may save some lives and reduce damage caused by the Attack.

PHC-TAP is as such designed to help heart patients for the duration of transit-the time taken between the Heart Attack (at home /work place) and the Hospitalization (when the Doctor(s) take over).

Most deaths occur, after HEART ATTACK /MI, within the first hour. That is why immediate hospitalization becomes important. In the event of cardiopulmonary arrest (no breathing or pulse), cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) must begin immediately.
Pre hospitalization emergency heart care takes the following point in consideration:
· Rapid Transportation
· Patient Education
· Well-equipped Ambulance Staffed by Personnel (including the driver) Trained in Heart Care to allow Definitive Therapy to Commence While the Patient is being transported to the Hospital.
· Excellent Radio Communication(Telemedicine)
· Training and Awareness Program also for the patients family members(and volunteers available in the area)who are with him(from the tome of the attack to the arrival of the Ambulance)
An effective PHC-TAP program may save a lot of lives or in other cases reduce/minimize the damage caused by the Heart Attack.

The Target participants are:
Ø Ambulance Drivers,
Ø Staff Accompanying the Ambulance
Ø Red Cross Volunteers,
Ø Health NGO Volunteers/Workers,
Ø Persons Engaged in the Media Campaign
Ø Other Interested Persons
One-day programs may be designed for this purpose. It could be implemented with the help of Health-NGOs, Pharmaceutical Companies, large hospitals/Clinics etc.

1. Identity Caregivers
2. Training Modes
a. Lectures
b. Demonstration
c. Field Training
d. Hospital Training
e. Attitude Training
f. Equipment Maintenance
g. Skill Drill(AED& CPR)
h. Inspection check List
3. Fund Provider(s) and System Finance
4. Monitoring and Quality Control (and continuous improvement)
5. Telecommunication and ICT
6. Public Relations.

· Ambulance Driver:Attendent(paramedics); Red Cross Volunteers; Health NGOs Volunteers; Persons Engaged in Media Campaign; Others Interested.
· 15/20 persons to be trained per month.
· Period of Training-One day in Each Month.
· Total No of persons to be trained in One Year (200)
{for 2 years 200X2=400}
· Estimated Budget 12 lacs to 15 lacs.
· Starting Date:14th February 2007
· Venue:BHRA Conference Center, National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases ,Dhaka Medical College Hospital others

Selection of Trainers
A committee Headed by Dr. S R Khan will select the Trainees.


Prof.S R Khan
Mr.Suhel Ahmed Choudhury
Prof.Asit Baran Adhikary
Mr.S U Khan
Mr.Safayet Hossain

Equipments for the TAP
v Battery operated monitoring equipment,
v Direct writing electrocardiography,
v Battery operated Defibrillator,
v Oxygen,
v Endotracheal Tube,
v Suction apparatus,
v Commonly used cardiovascular drugs,
v Radio telemetry system to transmit ECG to hospital.
v Other.

Prof. S R Khan
Engr.Abdullah Al Mamun
Contact Peerson:
Engr.Mohd.Abdullah Al Mamun Dolon
Chief Software Architect MCSEC
Information Technology Consultant BHRA
Cell:+8801715787685,+8801711523737(Prof.S R Khan),,

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